Saturday, August 26, 2006

SPC -- 01

So that self-portrait challenge, eh?
I guess this is my weeks entry.
Every now and then something will fall behind my bed, which means I must crawl under and find it. Sometimes a book falls, and I usually lie there for a good while, wedged tightly between poorly sanded bed frame and scratchy carpet.

I recommend it to everyone. Posted by Picasa


sko_G knits said...

wow. you have a lot of room under your bed. i always wondered how one could hide under one's bed...i guess i am the only one with a bed only 3" off the floor.

this SPC looks fun. i may have to join in!!

p.s. kudos to you for having no dust bunnies under there!

Dave said...

Looks very ... ummm ... comfy :-)

BEESTLYproducts said...

there's so much stuff under my bed, i would be there for days!!!

Michael said...

It's cozy. And cleaner than the rest of my room.

Oh hush. Don't judge me!