Thursday, September 03, 2009

In which I pause, and take a breath

I'll be honest with you lovely people. The last few weeks have been hard on me, on many levels. This is shaping up to be a very strenuous year as well, so I'm not out of the woods yet. There's been some doing and some thinking and some lord knows what the last few weeks, but this, this right here? This is what it's coming down to for the next few days: a brief reprieve before saddling back up.


And so with a new house, a new welcome as well: my door is always open, a drink is always around, and I hope to see some of you around these parts often enough.


Yarndude said...

I LOVE that sweater. What pattern is it?

Anonymous said...

let the yarn fumes of a beautiful sweater calm you.

Shan said...

I gotta say you're rockin' that chair.

saradippity said...

At least through the stress you'll look fabulous in that sweater.

Tallguy said...

Careful about letting everyone know that your door's always open. Never know who is going to show up!!

But I like that idea. And sitting outside with a drink in my hand, wearing a new sweater... what more does a guy want? Well, ok, that too.