Sunday, November 26, 2006


I finished Ms O's fingerless mitts and handed them off to her last night. But being the good blogger I am, I forgot to take photos. Whoops. I will work on getting some though, as soon as I can, but no promises as it's been overcast. Scrap that, it's snowing! I mean Victoria snow, so... it's actually sleet. Whatever.

I have also discovered the joy of block printing (my art education class is awesome), and now I really need input! What would be a fitting slogan for this image? (sorry about the poor quality, I'm working from a very small original) I don't want to say excatly what I am up to, but it is in the 5"x7" size range. Slogans can be in any language (ideally one I know, or at least can make some sense of, English, French, Latin, Hebrew, Russian, because some of those would look very cool). So please give me ideas, and help suppor the Knitolution.


BEESTLYproducts said...

rise up with fists????